Inspirational Speaker

After surviving a fatal car accident and years of physical and emotional recovery, and co-founding a non-profit for other accident survivors, Seantae Jackson shares how to use hope to create action and how the use of perspective can improve the quality of life. Her talks are applicable in diverse settings including small groups or church meetings to large conferences and professional events.

Hope is an Action

Sarah S.

“Thank you again for speaking for us - it was a really valuable and well-done presentation, and I love how you weaved hope with tragedy.”

Kelsey B.

“I am so grateful to hear you speak! I've been on an inspirational high from you since yesterday!”

  • "I was told by quite a few folks how awesome you all did. I would love to have you come again!"

    Clint F.

  • "Listening to your story, I was overwhelmed by your strength and wisdom. "

    Sheryl G.

  • "That was really good. Thank you for sharing so much of yourself!"

    Crystal C.

  • "You were able to use your experience to teach widely applicable lessons about dealing with challenges. It was beautifully written and executed. Thank you for your time, effort and vulnerability. I look up to you."

    Tania S.

  • "That was just beautiful! Thank you for sharing it with me."

    Shauna W.

  • " I came right home and wrote down your 5 ‘helps’ because they apply to me and my family too. They were solid reminders to be careful about where our focus ought to be. "

    Stephanie W.

  • "Very VERY well done. Thank you."

    Reese H.

“Hope can turn the darkest of times -

into a dark time WITH a splinter of light.”

-Seantae Jackson