Helpful Links & Resources
We know how hard it can be to find information and resources after a motor vehicle accident.
Click on the logos below to be taken straight to the listed websites. Or use the links in the descriptions to go to specific places within these organizations.
(If you have found any useful resources you think we should share - please tell us at
Zero Fatalities
Some people may think zero is an impossible goal, but when it comes to your life or the lives of your friends and family, would any other number be acceptable? We’re aiming for Zero Fatalities because everyone matters. So start by saving your own life and join us on the road to Zero Fatalities today. Great information for teen drivers.
American Trauma Society (ATS) has served as an advocate for the trauma care system, trauma prevention programs, and the victims of trauma and their families throughout the United States. Our goals are to prevent injury whenever possible, and to ensure optimal treatment of trauma when it does occur. They help empower trauma survivors.
Utah Department of Transportation; Enhance quality of life through transportation. Great Utah Travler information as well as traffic cameras here to check current road conditions.
Utah Department of Public Safety. Lots of great highway safety programs including child passenger safety, motorcycle safety, and the yellow dot program.
Bereavement Program
Primary Children's Hospital Bereavement Program offers support and education to families after the death of their child. Outreach continues in the form of grief educational mailings, outreach phone calls, meetings with clinicians, grief groups for parents and siblings, and our annual Memorial Tribute held each May. Great bereavement resources and books are at the bottom of their page.
Expressive Therapies
Primary Children's Hospital offers expressive therapies such as art, dance and music therapy. From a fully stocked music therapy studio (check out Sophie’s Place!) to access to art supplies, these therapies can be especially helpful for pediatric patients. Find out more about therapist and programs offered here.
Trauma Survivor’s Network; We are a community of patients and survivors looking to connect with one another and rebuild their lives after a serious injury. The underlying goal of our resources and programs is to ensure the survivors of trauma a stable recovery and to connect those who share similar stories. Great resources for survivors and community forums.
This is a wonderful website that provides helpful resources for survivors of motor vehicle crashes. They are an award winning community organization, and have resources, online support, and a crash survivor blog. They have featured Sandal Blue Foundation along with other like-minded organizations as well.